The Khyber Cup took place Saturday, 13th July, 40 years since the first Khyber Cup in 1984, which makes it older than many club members (though not all).
We were hosted this year by John Upham, in his recently refurbished house and super garden, and had an excellent turnout with 18 players. The weather was sufficiently kind that we could play all rounds outside, and the forecast rain showers never really emerged. John arranged for a buffet at the nearby Thatched Cottage, which was excellent in quality, quantity and value.
The Khyber Cup is the opportunity for less proficient club members to steal a point from those higher up in the ratings order, but the only upset I’m aware of this year was when Richard’s chair collapsed underneath him leaving him flat on his back (fortunately unhurt and unshaken, he went on to win the game).
Unlike last year, when we had a four-way tie for first place, this year we had a clear winner in Paul Cooksey, who scored an impressive 4.5 points out of the 5 games, his first Khyber Cup win. Congratulations to Paul.
Paul was closely followed by Richard and Ian (Thompson), both previous winners, on 4 points.
We also had a clear winner (if that’s the right word) in the competition for the bottle of wine, which was awarded to Christine.
Thanks to John for being an excellent host and organising and running the event. Thanks also to Zak who, although not playing, generously donated the refreshments.