The infamous Crowthorne Chess Club summer mini-tournament, the KHYBER CUP, will be next Sunday, the 29th August. This will be at the Bar & Café in the Pinewood Centre off New Wokingham Road/Peacock Lane in Crowthorne. Doors open at 10am and play will start not long after that, once we’ve set everything up. We aim to finish approaching 4pm, with a break for lunch.
For those not in the know: the Khyber Cup is a friendly rapid play chess event held since time immemorial (1984) with prizes (don’t get excited by this). Usually we meet in a member’s house or garden with lunch in a nearby pub, but this time, since we’re in the Pinewood Centre bar, we don’t need to move location for lunch. They do food there, burgers, scampi, that sort of thing. I’m sure it will be fine to bring sandwiches if you prefer. Tea and coffee (and beer and other drinks) are also available at the usual café rate.
We advise attendees to be mindful about covid; having a mask to hand would be a good idea. The weather forecast is looking favourable, and we should be able to play outside, plus the function room we’ve reserved has sufficient space that if we do play indoors the tables can be well separated.
To make the organisation slightly less chaotic than it would otherwise be, could you let Jonathan know whether you plan to attend or not. Some of you already have, so thanks for that.
Finally, playing in the Khyber Cup is not restricted to club members. It is also open to family and friends, as well as friends from other chess clubs, so please bring them along. Again, it would be useful for me to know approximate numbers and names in advance.
If you have any questions, just ask.
For more details about the venue, please see the Club Calendar entry for this event.